Casino News
VueTec Ltd, ever closer to reality
Thursday, June 23, 2011
While the vast majority of online casinos use graphics and animation in 3D to appear "realistic", the interfaces of vendors such as VueTec Ltd are opting for an authentic technology that reflects the "actual." In fact, VueTec Ltd is a specialist in live casinos, in online gaming platforms linking the player to actual dealers with the aid of a complex system of video conferencing.
"Distance Gaming" Technology

VueTec Ltd, the developer that manages the interface of Lucky Live Casino, provides its clients a truly unique opportunity to showcase their gaming platforms around the world in offering a new and exclusive product, which furnishes players with a whole new experience in the realm of entertainment. The "Distance Gaming" technology of VueTec Ltd is designed to be more real than the 3D graphics used by the great majority of operators. In fact, while 3-dimensional graphics represent an artificial means that is content to simulate reality, the "Distance Gaming" product allows players to participate in the games offered by the casino in a live manner, simply in using their PC and an Internet connection.
In effect, a video conferencing system called visio-technology allows the player and the dealer to see one another using a webcam pre-installed on the graphic interface of the casino which has opted for "Distance Gaming" technology. The system comes equipped with sensors, cameras, display screens, and a joystick permitting guided movements. The central server allows participants to communicate information with each other, the same information that will later be transformed into actions dedicated to the game: thus we will see a player requesting a card from the dealer or any other type of situation inherent in the discipline as it is practiced live.
Real games, where chance alone is master

As a result of "Distance Gaming" technology, the games presented by VueTec Ltd casinos are offered under real conditions. In the case of online Roulette, no more 3D graphics and false advertising: the Roulette wheel in place resembles that found in land-based casinos, with an actual dealer going about placing chips and spinning the wheel. And the same applies for Poker, Blackjack and Baccarat.
This process, which is natural and entirely real, has an impact on the payout rates for the players and on the odds of winning. In fact, chance alone can appraise the outcome of the game, no software or RNG (Random Number Generator) technology being needed to participate for the smooth unfolding of the rounds. In contrast to offices crammed with computers, online casinos offering a live technology seem more like movie studios, where cameras and screens are arranged a little everywhere in order to ensure a true gaming experience in real time.